Parent Information

We invite you to explore the technology resources that are designed to connect students and families with essential technology tools that are being used in the classroom.
Parents, please remember, safety first when you are dropping off your child! We have students running across Bengal and Ricardo Ave. during drop off/pick up from cars on the other side of the street. This is extremely dangerous! Please encourage your child to use the cross walk or leave your car and walk your child across the street. We appreciate you attention to this matter.
We are entering the rainy season. Please be sure that your child has appropriate coats, boots, etc. Also, we appreciate your patience during drop off/pick up as the rain results in more cars.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email me.
John Shimko
Los padres, por favor recuerde, la seguridad en primer lugar cuando usted está cayendo a su hijo! Tenemos estudiantes que corren a través de Bengala y Ricardo Ave. durante dejar / recoger de coches en el otro lado de la calle. Esto es muy peligroso! Por favor anime a su hijo a usar el cruce peatonal o dejar el coche y caminar a su hijo en la calle. Le agradecemos la atención sobre este asunto.
Estamos entrando en la temporada de lluvias. Por favor, asegúrese de que su hijo tiene abrigos adecuados, botas, etc. También, agradecemos su paciencia durante dejar / recoger como los resultados de lluvia en más coches.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, por favor no dude en llamar o enviarme por correo electrónico.
John Shimko
Director de escuela
Visit our District's Student Health page for information about vaccinations and staying healthy
Pertussis letter to schools
Pertussis letter - Spanish
Anaplalaxis treatment - Annual Notice to Parents AB 1266.pdf
Anaplalaxis treatment - Annual Notice to Parents AB 1266 (Spanish).pdf
It's never too early to get information and plan for college