District Lunch Program
Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand. The Nutrition Services department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students' health, well being and their ability to learn. We support learning by promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices.
Meals, foods and beverages sold or served at schools meet state and federal requirements which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
Pay for Lunch in Advance:
Pay Online: Create your account on the payment website (the 4.90 % fee for this service is now waived and paid for by the child Nutrition Department). Payments confirmed by 9am Monday through Friday will be posted the same day before lunch.
Pay at School Site: Payments of cash or check are accepted at the school site cafeteria. Lorenzo Manor School, Daily, 7:10 – 8:05 am
Drop Box at District Office: Checks only. Payments are collected and credited to accounts by 10am on Thursdays only.
EVERY student EVERY day from 7:35-7:50 am EVERY morning! Please encourage your child to join us for breakfast (cereal, pastry, milk, juice, and fresh fruit).
¡CADA estudiante CADA dia de 7:35-7:50 am CADA mañana! Pro favor motive a su hijo par que not acompañen a desayunar (cereal, leche, Jugo y fruta fesca).
District Information & Eligibility Guidelines