Attendance Information
Students are expected to be on time for class. If your child arrives late, it is disruptive to the classroom and results in your child getting off to a poor start on learning activities. Parents will be contacted when a student is repeatedly late and the student may be required to make up the lost time after school or during recess. If the tardies continue, a referral to the district Attendance Office will be made.
There is no nurse assigned to Lorenzo Manor on a regular basis. If your child is ill in the morning before school, please do not send him/her to school. If your child becomes ill during the school day, you will be contacted and asked to make arrangements to pick him/her up. Be sure to let the office know immediately if there are changes in the emergency contact numbers.
When a child is absent from school, parents should phone the school daily. Please leave a message on our absence line at 510-317-5499.
An attendance caller or the Auto -Dialer may notify parents if a child is not in school and the parent has not left a message on the attendance line. A note from the parent to the child’s teacher explaining the reason for the absence is required if no phone contact has been made.
If you would like homework for your sick child, please call the school office before 9:00 a.m. so that the work can be ready to be picked up in the office by 2:45 p.m. If your child is absent because of measles, lice, or any other infectious communicable disease, please inform the office immediately so that the appropriate action can be taken. Any absence of your child will cost the district money.
If you must take a trip that will take your child out of school for five days or more, you are asked to request an Independent Study Contract for the child to complete school assignments and receive attendance credit. You must request this at least 5 days in advance of the absence. The completed work and signed contract must be returned to school on the day your child returns to school. Contact your child’s teacher for the work. Please be aware that the work provided must reflect the minutes of instruction missed. Unless you can commit to completing the work, please do not request an independent study contract.